A Story About

Deception & Murder Aboard a Pirate Ship

Every detail was etched in light gray and deep black before Luis’s riveted gaze. Foaming waves lapped the skull’s jutting jaw. Above that were jagged teeth, a wide grinning row. Two matching blots formed the nose; higher, larger and much wider apart were the black hollows of the eyes. Further up, a great white bulge of rock became a forehead, which was lopped off squarely at the top, giving a flattish effect to what should have been a fully rounded crown. It was obvious to him that this place held secrets, terrible secrets.

Exploration for a Lost Frenchman's Treasure

As the blue moon-mist poured in through the rusty wire grated window, and mingled with our yellow lamplight at table we were talking of a certain castle whose heir is initiated as folk tell on his twenty-first birthday to the knowledge of a secret so terrible as to overshadow his subsequent life. It struck us, discussing idly the various mysteries and terrors that may lie behind this fact or this fable, that no doom or horror conceivable and to be defined in words could ever adequately solve this riddle; that no reality of dreadfulness could seem aught but paltry, bearable, and easy to face in comparison with this vague we know not what.

Horrors of the Occult at Gallows Harbor

Gallows Harbor is more ominous than its name sounds. It's a real place where real people have died. What haunts this ghost town is a matter of conjecture but history says that you never go there after dark or when the fog rises out of the ravines. Some tales of the implausible so capture the imagination that they quickly spread over much of the country. The unjust hanging of a man who then haunts an area is such a tale. It is told and retold in North Carolina as the Hanging Tree. In Illinois it is the Noose on the Bridge and in Arkansas it's Executioners Knoll. Dozens of interviews and hours of newspaper research trace the story’s origin and consequential spread across the country from one small town nestled in the foothills of the Alleghenies in Central Pennsylvania beginning in the late 1600's; Gallows Harbor.
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