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  • #1657
    H.Charles Beil

    Hello Valued Patrons,

    I want to take this opportunity to express my heart felt thanks for your generosity and commitment to making the Death Marks the Spot book series a success. Everything began with a dream. I’ve been a treasure hunter for over 50 years. In fact it’s treasure hunting that saved me from heading down the wrong roads in life. Because of this I wanted to hide treasures for the world to experience what I have, the thrill of adventure, discovery and friendship. I wanted to give back to a hobby turned occupation that means so much to me. It’s been a long road to get here. I started this project in 2008 without any definite plan or hope of deriving a living from it. It was only after about 10 years that I began to take my writing seriously and I invented (as far as I know) a style of writing that I call Immersive, Interactive Historical Fiction.  I returned to college in my ripe old age and enrolled in a certificate course at Wesleyan University in creative writing. This very much improved my work so that I could publish novels and novelettes. What makes my books different is that I research to identify interesting pieces of history that very few people have every heard or read of. I use this history as the foundation for my books, building my story and developing my characters around it. Then within this I place a treasure and the clues for my reader to search for. The book becomes immersive and interactive as it challenges you to find an incredible treasure by solving ciphers and clues hidden in the pages. I don’t just write books, anybody can do that. I create adventures! I hope to set you on one of the greatest adventures of your lifetime. Nothing has the allure of treasure, to have and to hold, secret things from secret places!


    P.S. I hope you love my books as well!

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